Sensitive But Unstoppable
I am on a mission to bring awareness to this unique character trait which 15-20% of people are born with. Being a highly sensitive person (HSP) is not a disorder nor a disease so there is nothing to correct as we are gifted with many strengths. We explore our strengths and shadows so that we become unstoppable.
Podcasting since 2023 • 11 episodes
Sensitive But Unstoppable
Latest Episodes
SBU E10 The Benefits Of A Supportive Community In An HSP World
Being HSP is different. Being HSP means you're different, which means your needs are different. In this episode Maggie K discusses the importance of being a part of a supportive community, the benefits, and how to go about being in one, specifi...
Season 1
Episode 10

SBU E09 The Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur, with Ed Finch
Ed founded Finch Model to bring “order out of confusion,” or to put it another way to remove theconfusion and present simple solutions to problems people are struggling with.He first started Coaching in the early 1990s and by the mid-19...

SBU E08 The Gal Who Loves to Sing, with guest Ingrid van Houwelingen
Ingrid van Houwelingen is a singer who found a way to overcome her shyness and stand in front of groups fearlessly. People always think that being a speaker is a talent you are born with. It is not, it is a skill that anyone can learn. As a sin...

E07. Sensitive But Unstoppable: Now That We Know
In this podcast, we will learn more about our strengths and our shadows. It seems most highly sensitive people allow their shadows to dominate them. Let's explore.
Season 1
Episode 7

E06.What IF the HOKEY POKEY really IS, what it is all about? My Conversation with Roy Van de mull
This week's guest is Roy van der Mull. Roy owns Harvesting Results which is a dedicated Learning Organization committed to enhancing you and your company's productivity, efficiency, and profitability in both your professional and pe...
Season 1
Episode 6